
  • Prodromos Nikolaou (Greece)

    Mrs. Natalia Cherepovskaia is a teacher of unique skills, such as a student of the Russian language could hardly expect to find. She does not only possess an immense knowledge of the Russian language, but she also has the rare gift of being able to transmit to her students this knowledge, and she does so in a way that the student can assimilate it in the most fructuous way. She is able to work with equal efficiency both with beginners and advanced students, which is a teaching trait one does not find very often. She devotes much time outside the lesson hours to prepare for each student and for every lesson in a most diligent way. Furthermore, she keeps close track of her students’ progress and is always in a position to offer materials that are uniquely appropriate for every student in an individualized way, so as to make the lesson more appealing and attractive on a personal level. Mrs. Cherepovskaia is a true scholar, a highly professional teacher, a dignified person, and it would take only one lesson for any serious student to realize that. After Mrs. Cherepovskaia, I would find it almost impossible to work with any other teacher.

  • Lana I. (USA)

    Thank you for providing Russian language to bilingual children! Finding a teacher was difficult, and we had been searching for a long time when we read an article about your school in The Guardian. You recommended a teacher who has the perfect combination of competence and experience working with children like ours. The first lesson was already a success! The kids said themselves that they wanted to study Russian with Anastasia. Her professional approach to evaluation and lesson planning, her warm friendly attitude toward students and her individualized approach have given our children the motivation they need. And this means a lot to children who live far from Russia and their Russian-speaking peers. We started with both children sharing an hour-long session once a week, then divided the lesson into two individual one-hour lessons. After three months of individual lessons, both children are already reading books in Russian. We continue to study, and make an effort never to miss a single week. And we are always happy to recommend your school to friends and acquaintances.

  • Tatiana (Greece)

    Some time ago, we realized that we needed to find a Russian language teacher to help our six-year-old bilingual daughter with her Russian studies on a regular basis. I looked around online, and Yulia Amlinskaya’s school “Russificate Kids” attracted my interest for a variety of reasons: first and foremost, the originality of the courses offered and the individual, creative approach to study, but also the pleasant bonus of a free trial lesson. After a careful discussion of our needs and goals, the school referred us to a wonderful teacher, Anastasia. I have developed the deepest respect for our, by now, much-beloved instructor Anastasia. From the very first lesson, I saw a noticeable improvement in my daughter’s reading and writing skills, but the most surprising thing was the teacher’s ability to turn each lesson into a sort of holiday, because the interests and desires of the child are always put first. The lessons are very dynamic, and have the feel of a friendly conversation with lots of fun games, which allows the student to develop various skills without it seeming like work, enrich their vocabulary, and maintain or strengthen a bilingual student’s interest in Russian language – which, in my opinion, presents the greatest challenge. Lessons with Anastasia are so successful not only because of her remarkable professionalism, warm and friendly approach to the student (while at the same time maintaining control of the situation thanks to her amazing flexibility and impressive arsenal of study materials and methods), but also her maternal sensibilities and love of children, because she is herself a loving mother of bilingual children. As a parent, I really enjoy talking with Anastasia; she often helps me understand the situation, provides many additional materials for children’s education in general and often gives sensible advice. I’m very glad that both “Russificate Kids” and Anastasia are part of our lives.

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