Lana I. (USA)

Thank you for providing Russian language to bilingual children! Finding a teacher was difficult, and we had been searching for a long time when we read an article about your school in The Guardian. You recommended a teacher who has the perfect combination of competence and experience working with children like ours. The first lesson was already a success! The kids said themselves that they wanted to study Russian with Anastasia. Her professional approach to evaluation and lesson planning, her warm friendly attitude toward students and her individualized approach have given our children the motivation they need. And this means a lot to children who live far from Russia and their Russian-speaking peers. We started with both children sharing an hour-long session once a week, then divided the lesson into two individual one-hour lessons. After three months of individual lessons, both children are already reading books in Russian. We continue to study, and make an effort never to miss a single week. And we are always happy to recommend your school to friends and acquaintances.

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